MarketplaceCollectionsStudio Web Templates

Studio Web Templates

Studio Web serves as the ideal starting point for your automation journey within the UiPath Cloud ecosystem, all from the convenience of your web browser. Say goodbye to IT dependencies and time-consuming installations. No prior programming knowledge is required, making it accessible to all. It's also seamlessly included in existing developer licenses, ensuring a frictionless entry into the world of automation.

Perfectly Suited for IT Automation

UiPath Studio Web is tailor-made for IT automation needs. It, along with serverless robots, empower IT departments to kickstart their automation initiatives swiftly. Cloud and ITSM tasks can be automated directly from your browser, eliminating the need for additional desktop software tools. Efficiency, speed, and expanded capacity are at your fingertips.

Versatile Automation Across Platforms

UiPath Studio Web's versatile activities cater to a wide range of automation needs. Whether you're automating a web service on Chrome running on macOS or uploading files to Google Drive on Linux, our activities provide the flexibility and power to tackle diverse automation challenges effortlessly.

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