This package contains various PowerPoint activities that will help automate your work. The full list of activities is available below:
- Execute Macro - executes the macro-enabled commands from your PowerPoint.
The following activities work only in PowerPoint Application Scope:
- Slide Transitions - set the PowerPoint application transition to slide and timing options.
- Comments Add - add comments with the author and position option to slides.
- Comments Read - marks comments and replies as read.
- Comments Delete - deletes comments from a slide.
- Edit Text - edits the text in the slide based on the index.
- Image Extractor - extracts all the images from a slide.
- Chart Shape Count - gets the total count of chart shapes available in a slide.
- Image Shape Count - gets the total count of images available in a slide
- Text Shape Count - gets the total count of the text frames available in a slide.
- Chart Image Extract - extracts the chart as an image.
- ChartCopyToClipboard - copies the chart into the clipboard.
- ChartDelete - deletes the chart.
- ChartFormat - formats the chart with left, top, width, height.
- PasteClipboard - pastes the clipboard data inside the slide.
- SaveAs - saves as (PDF, Presentation, etc..).
- Find - finds the text and gets the result as datatable with slide index, text shape index, and the content.
- Find and Replace - finds the text and replaces it all.
- Read Slide / PowerPoint - reads all the text from slides.
- Readdatatable - reads all tables from slides.
- SlideCount - returns slide count.
- Merge
- NewSlide
- DeleteSlide
- FindReplace
- InsertPicture
- InsertTextBox
- RefreshData
- SlideCopy
- SlidePaste
- SlideCount
- UpdateLinks
- Delete Slide
- Export Pdf
- Print
- Remove Document Information
- Slide Copy
- Slide Paste
- DataTransformer
Table Area
- Add Table
- Append Table
- Clear Table
- Delete Column
- Delete Row
- Delete Table
- Edit Table
- Export Table Excel
- Extract Tables
- Font Option
- Get Row Item
- Import Data FromExcel
- Resize Table
- Style Option
- Table CopyTo Clipboard