MarketplaceAI CenterML ModelTopic-Based Sentiment Analysis
Topic-Based Sentiment Analysis

Topic-Based Sentiment Analysis

by Bitext Innovations International, Inc.



ML Model

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Automate the processing of your inbound texts to take immediate action. Analyze texts at the topic level. Aim for the highest accuracy, 90%, with our multilingual analytics services.



Bitext's multilingual topic-based sentiment analysis tool is now available as a ML Skill in the UiPath AI Center. This means that you can call it from your flows in UiPath Studio Pro, so you can now easily set up an end-to-end process to mine review data and extract actionable insights – using RPA bots to scrape reviews and our sentiment analysis tool to analyze them.

Our multilingual text analytics platform, based on deep text analytics, gives your business the ability to automatically understand any input text (news, reviews, email…) and automate the decision-making process.

How can we help you? We help you automate feedback analysis and transform it into actionable data. Extracting essential information from your customers’ feedback can be done in a matter of seconds. Thanks to our proprietary Natural Language technology, a 90% accuracy in topic identification is guaranteed by contract. Turn feedback into actions. Instantly.

What are the challenges of Topic-Based Sentiment Analysis? Dealing with large amounts of data results is a time-consuming error-prone process. Collecting and digesting vast amounts of data from multiple sources is paramount when you are poised to truly understand your customers and identify those areas that require immediate attention to ensure customer satisfaction. If done manually this process becomes hard, unscalable, and unsustainable.

Text Analytics: Identify what customers have to say about your company faster & more accurately so you can react on time. If you are not getting proper insights from your customers’ feedback or it is taking you plenty of time, you are doing something wrong. By detecting customer trends and needs automatically, you will not only save costs, you can also focus on what brings real value for your customers.

Boost your results. 90% understanding accuracy guaranteed by contract! Misspelling is no longer an issue. Obtain feedback from your customers’ opinions regardless of typos or other misspelling problems. Often times the results from your feedback analysis are undermined by a poor ability to discern misspelled words. Individuals can be quite lax about proper spelling when they are uttering their opinions about a product or a service. Our expertise in natural language will help you navigate the rough waters of ‘alternative and creative spelling’!



  • The text analytics platform extracts precisely what text says about particular topics with 90% accuracy across 20+ languages and variants.
  • It will show you beautiful and interactive visualizations powered by any visualization tool.
  • Identify trends immediately. The text analytics platform takes the guesswork out of market research and customer insight.
  • Proven accuracy. Use high quality Sentiment Analysis: over 70% cross domain accuracy from the start.
  • No programming skills needed.

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Bitext Innovations International, Inc.

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December 8, 2021

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AI Center: 20.10 - 22.10



Bitext shall provide maintenance and support services to the Customer. Such services will include: (i) access tot he customer support department at the Bitext office via e-mail, during normal office hours of that Bitext office, from Monday to Friday, excluding public holidays. Bitext will respond to the client's request for assistance according to the following levels of severity: - Critical/High - Description: problem that does not allow the system to work and has no alternative solution

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