MarketplaceStudioActivityUiPath FTP Activities

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UiPath FTP Activities

UiPath FTP Activities

by UiPath








The FTP Activities pack enables the user to connect to a File Transfer Protocol server and perform all the fundamental actions within it.



Introduction to the FTP Activities Pack

The FTP Activities pack empowers users to seamlessly connect to a File Transfer Protocol (FTP) server and execute essential operations, encompassing searching, downloading, uploading, deleting, and creating files and directories.

FTP Scope Activity

The FTP Scope activity serves as a container facilitating user connection to an FTP server. Within this scope, users can execute multiple actions before efficiently disconnecting from the server. Notably, the connection details can be stored in an FtpSessionGen variable, ensuring a unique identifier for each connected FTP server. This variable remains reusable, allowing users to establish connections as frequently as needed.

Key Activities in the FTP Activities Pack

The following activities are included in the FTP package:

  • Download Files - Downloads the specified files from an FTP server to the specified local folder.
  • Enumerate Objects - Generates a DataTable variable that contains a list comprising the files found at the specified FTP server path.
  • File Exists - Checks whether a certain file exists in the specified FTP directory.
  • Move Item - Moves an item on an FTP server to a different remote path.
  • Delete - Removes a specified file from an FTP server.
  • Upload Files - Uploads a file to an FTP server.
  • FTP Scope - A container which handles the connection to the FTP server and provides a scope for all the FTP activities.
  • Directory Exists - Checks whether a certain directory exists on an FTP server.



Applications and Benefits of the FTP Activities Pack

The FTP Activities pack, with its robust set of features, can be employed in various business scenarios to enhance file management and streamline data transfer processes:

  • Automated Data Backup and Archiving
  • Data Synchronization Across Locations
  • Regulated File Deletion and Archiving
  • Collaborative Document Management

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