Parashift AG

4450 Sissach, Switzerland

About Us

Parashift provides out-of-the-box IDP solutions for hundreds of document types using Document Swarm Learning. Unlike other IDP vendors, Parashift ties machine learning models to the field level rather than the document type. This enables training across different document types and customers and minimizes the need for training. Leveraging this proprietary Document Swarm Learning technology, Parashift powers over 200 out-of-the-box solutions for document types from various processes. Moreover, the pre-trained fields can be used like Lego bricks to define new custom document types in minutes. Parashift, founded in 2018, is a deep-tech company focusing on the autonomization of document extraction through machine learning. Parashift is headquartered near Basel and employs around 40 people. Forbes named Parashift 2019 as one of the 30 most promising AI startups in Europe.


4450 Sissach, Switzerland

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