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Download files based on URLs found in an Outlook email and upload the target file to a specified OneDrive location.
Every time a List item is added in SharePoint, send an email through Outlook.
Use Excel to track everything sent to your Outlook inbox. The workbook will be structured with columns Subject, Sender, Received Date and Body Preview.
Create a holiday calendar from an Excel file. If the file is not found, a template is created.
When receiving an email on Outlook containing information about a lead, extract the relevant data and create a new Salesforce entry.
Create an event in Outlook Calendar and add a Zoom meeting.
When a new Outlook email is received, forward it to another account and move it to a different folder.
Every time an item in a specific list is updated on SharePoint, send an email using Outlook.
When an event is received in Outlook, transfer it to Google Sheets as a new row.
Use Google Sheets to track everything sent to your Outlook inbox. The spreadsheet will be structured with columns Subject, Sender, Received Date and Body Preview.
When a new JIRA issue is added, create a block on my calendar to work on it.
When a new event is created in Outlook, create a task in Todoist with the event details.