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Upload Outlook email attachments to OneDrive or SharePoint and move the email to a different folder.
When a new email arrives in Gmail, save its attachments to a OneDrive or Sharepoint location and then move the email to a different folder.
When a new Word file is uploaded to a folder in OneDrive, convert it to PDF format and store it in a OneDrive or SharePoint location.
Store important emails from Outlook to OneDrive to ensure they are not subject to clean up policies over time.
Every time a List item is added in SharePoint, send an email through Outlook.
Every time an item in a List is modified in SharePoint, post to a channel on Microsoft Teams.
Ensure that your files are stored in both OneDrive and SharePoint applications. Duplicate all newly created files in a specified OneDrive folder into a designated SharePoint folder.
Use Excel to track everything sent to your Outlook inbox. The workbook will be structured with columns Subject, Sender, Received Date and Body Preview.
When a new file is added to a OneDrive Folder move it to a different folder in OneDrive or Followed SharePoint Sites folder
When a file is created in a OneDrive or Sharepoint folder, record its Name, Creation Date and a URL to the file in a Google Sheets for better tracking.
When a file is created in a OneDrive or Sharepoint folder, record its Name and Creation Date in a an Excel spreadsheet for better tracking.
Every time an item in a specific list is updated on SharePoint, send an email using Outlook.