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Document Classification & Advanced Data Capture

Document Classification & Advanced Data Capture

by ancora Software, Inc.




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A no code/low code Intelligent Document Classification and Advanced Data Capture solution using patented Unassisted and Assisted Machine Learning.



ancoraDocs from ancora Software, inc. helps organizations minimize and eliminate laborious manual activities in document centric processes such as identifying document types, document classification and manual data entry.  Our use of unassisted and assisted machine learning eliminates the need for template creation and long drawn-out implementation engagements. ancoraDocs can be deployed as a multi-tenant cloud or on-premises solution.

ancoraDocs can be deployed in front of a UiPath automation process to identify and manage incoming documents. These documents can be coming into the organization in multiple ways, email attachments, scans from remote locations, paper documents, etc.

Some common applications for ancoraDocs include, AP Invoice Processing and Sales Order Automation, Mortgage and Personal Loan Automation and any other processes that are document intensive.

  • AP Invoice Processing - Vendor invoices coming in can be automatically identified as a PO based invoices, non-PO based invoices, credit memos, etc. In addition, supporting documents like packing slips, delivery receipts, term sheets, etc. can be identified and kept with the appropriate invoice. Required data elements are then extracted from the invoice including header/footer data and line-item detail. This data can then be exported into a UiPath process, or accounting system. This helps reduce and eliminate the manual steps in this process, reducing labor by 80% or more. Another use case for classification is identifying invoices based on the country of origin, this is important so the correct localization rules for currency, dates, postal formats, etc. can be applied during data extraction.
  • Sales Order Automation – Like AP Invoice Processing, Sales Orders arriving into an organization require manual activities to get the information into a purchasing system. With ancoraDocs these sales orders can be processed much faster reducing or eliminating the manual steps involved. Sales orders can be automatically identified, and data elements extracted to populate a UiPath sales automation process or 3rd party system. Eliminating the manual steps helps organization process orders faster and mor accurately.
  • Mortgage and Personal Loan Automation – Loan files contain large volumes of different document types; it is important to make sure all required documents are present and nothing is missing. ancoraDocs’ patented Intelligent Document Classification can easily and automatically identify each document type and extract the required data from those documents. Our largest customer is classifying more than 900 different document types in mortgage loan files.

In addition to the three examples above ancoraDocs helps organization automate and reduce labor for any document intensive application, new custoere applications, testing documents, medical records classification , auto dealership deal jackets and many others.

ancoraDocs is the perfect complimentary product for managing documents coming into a UiPath automation process adding additional automation to your process.



  • Reduce or eliminate manual sorting and identification of documents.
  • Reduce manual data entry from incoming documents by up to 85%.
  • Reducing the manual steps makes critical data available to core applications and processes much faster.
  • Reducing the human touch points provides more accurate data to core applications and processes.

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February 22, 2022

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