MarketplaceStudioActivityBalaReva Easy Excel Activities

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BalaReva Easy Excel Activities

BalaReva Easy Excel Activities

by Balamurugan Shanmugasundaram





Mohtasim Mapkar
Posted 3 years ago

Hello Bala,

Not just another review, want to report a bug. You might have addressed it in later releases. 

Though it exists in v2021.0.0


The activity throws a HRESULT: 0x800A03EC error while using hideUnhide activity

I did some digging.

Steps to reproduce:

1. Provide just the relative path of any workbook - Error Occurs

2. Provide absolute path - Successful

It is a normal practise to provide just the relative path for eg 'Data\Test.xlsx' and not 'C:\ProjectName\Data\Test.xlsx' usually when loading paths from config.

I hope you address it.


This will also help others scratching their heads trying to solve the issue. Just add absolute path.

Thank You Bala, you made our lives easier.

Louise Gwen
Posted 4 years ago

Thank you!!!

Julio Cruz
Posted 4 years ago

I dont see your activities. Download package and move it to uipath activity folder but When I open uipath studio and search some activity in manage package there is not a result

Patty Ricarte
Posted 5 years ago

It's interesting components easy to use.

Natapong Raojutitam
Posted 5 years ago

It's a very nice Activity to handle Excel.

Paul Punguta
Posted 5 years ago

- Nice addition to the current list of Excel Activities. Good Job!