MarketplaceStudioActivityBalaReva Easy Image Activities

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BalaReva Easy Image Activities

BalaReva Easy Image Activities

by Balamurugan Shanmugasundaram





Constantin Dumitrascu
Posted 3 years ago

Hi Balamurugan,

I tested all the activities in the package because I had a project that required image processing. I love the functionality and I believe this will be of much help to people who are looking for a quick way to modify images in their flows. I would like to make a few observations on the activities, because I don't really understand how some work:

  1. image blank - works perfectly, telling me if an image is just empty

  2. image circle - when I used this activity I got an error message : "Image Circle: A generic error occurred in GDI+." What do you think could be the cause for this error?

  3. image combine - love the functionality, maybe it would be a good idea to include the possibility for the user to choose wether the combination will be done vertically or horizontally.

  4. image compression - really impressive, I reduced the size of an image from 380 kb to 100 kb while still keeping quality good enough 

  5. image converter - maybe a good idea to change the extension of the destination file (e.g. if I choose the BMP type the destination file should have the BMP extension

  6. image cropper - love that you included the XY start point - really nice feature

7)image merge - I don't know if I'm doing something wrong, but result only shows the second input image

  1. image resize - nice, works really fast

  2. image rotate - ok

  3. image size - useful for getting to know the  dimensions before you start working with the image.

Thank you very much for your work - I wish only the best for you for helping so many!



Balamurugan Shanmugasundaram

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October 30, 2023

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Studio: 22.10 - 23.04


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