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by Internal Labs
I am getting the following error:
Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at UiPath.Executor.WorkflowLoader.GetWorkflowFromXamlPath(WorkflowFile workflowFile)
at UiPath.Executor.WorkflowLoader.LoadWorkflow(String xamlPath, String compiledWorkflowAssemblyName)
at UiPath.Executor.RobotRunner.InitWorkflowApplication()
at UiPath.Executor.RobotRunner.ExecuteJob()
Any advice is much appreciated. Thank you.
Hi John Doe :D,
The message appear if we use a parameter that was not initialized.
Please check the folder provided for the "Project Path", make sure that the output dataTable is the same you try to read afterwords. Please try to make a very simple workflow, without any other activities, to check the logic, you can make it as in the presentation image attached to this activity (see the Overview panel). Use just the two activities: Extract workflow structure, and Write Range. You can even use the naming provided in the picture. It will work ok if the imput provided is also valid (it was properly tested two days ago).
At first - very useful activity! Thank you for doing this.
I noticed that in output datatable in "Annotations" column - when it has more than one line instead of there is " " string. Second thing I noticed is that in "WfInvoked" column when file name has spaces - their names are being cutted - for examle if in invoked xaml name is "get data from file" inside this column there will be only "get".
Depending on the version you are using, the result it can vary. This version was compatible with the old versions (
Is there any documentation regarding the use of this activity? I'm fairly new to RPA so please excuse this question if it seems obvious but is this activity referring to Extracted Data Tables?
Hello MaryB,
This activity allows you to point to a folder that has a project in it and it will scan for the entire structure and it will return you a data table with the options that you chose. It is able to return the following: annotations, fileName, FullPath, InArguments, IOArguments, OutArguments, Variables, WfInvoked.
Just make your new sequence, add this activity, provide the desired path, put in your sequence the WriteRange into Excel option to have your dataTable saved and there you have it.
Thank you
March 13, 2023Works with
Studio: 22.10+
Silver Certified
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