MarketplaceStudioActivityAPI Activities for Gmail

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API Activities for Gmail

API Activities for Gmail

by Internal Labs





Venkadesh Prasanth
Posted 8 months ago

How to delete mail using mail message id

Ashwini Kempraj
Posted 3 years ago


We are facing issues when using the get message by id, get label and create label activities in UiPathTeam.Gmail.Activities => 1.0.6822.33137

Its storing the cred/token file in default location: C:\Users\username\Documents\.credentials\gmail-credentials.json

It would be great if we are given a custom path to store the cred/token files, when dealing with multiple mailboxes at the same time. 

1. If its the first run, it will generate a token file and for all other run it will utilise that file and not ask for authentication
2. when i change the mail box, it tries to utilise the same token file for the other mailbox too and returns an error

We can't go authenticating everytime as it has to run in unattended mode

Could you please have a look & would be happy to hear from you at the earliest.

Athira s
Posted 4 years ago

Hi,  Where  will  the authentication key stored? For me its asking to authenticate all the time.

Sam Juan
Posted 4 years ago

Hi, I am using the Modify Message Labels activity. When removing label 'UNREAD' it's working. But when I use add label. I get an error of 'An error occurred: Google.Apis.Requests.RequestError' Invalid Label even if the label is existing. 


Jorge Luis
Posted 5 years ago

Hi Magali!!!, I write from Peru, I have some questions about API Activities for Gmail, I need some help. I want to read, send and create labels in a Gmail Account. I have follow all steps described in Resources Documents however the options about creation OAuth 2.0 Client changed in Google Console Developers. The options are Android, Chorme App, iOs, TVs and Limited Input Devices, Desktop App, Universal Windows Platform. So currently, option "Other" doesn't exist. If you have some screen about complete configuration in Gmail Scope activity updated it would be very useful for me. Thanks in advance Magali :)

Magali Philippe
Posted 5 years ago ago

Hi Jorge!

You can use the "Desktop App" category instead. 

I recommend you also have a look at this project: It's the official one for anything GSuite.

Posted 5 years ago

How to create new folder/Label in Gmail and how to move all mails to that folder.

Magali Philippe
Posted 5 years ago ago

To create a new label you can use the "Create Label" activity. 

To then add labels to emails use the "Modify message labels" activity.

Folders are different. Moving from one folder to the other is not possible with these  activities

Ramel Altamira
Posted 5 years ago

Hi, it works great! I just wanted to ask,

Is there an option to reply to the email without creating a new one? Make a thread.

Thank you.

Magali Philippe
Posted 5 years ago ago

Hi Ramel,

This package will be easier to use for replies

Jomari Amago
Posted 5 years ago

Hello. I currently have an issue in capturing the email body because it contains HTML elements, list to be exact. How can I capture it? Thanks.

Magali Philippe
Posted 5 years ago ago

Hi, to capture the email body you need to use the "Message Body" output from the "Get message" activity. Alternatively, please check the "parts" property in

If this doesn't work, maybe the activity at would be easier to use(it's inside the package UiPath.GSuite)

Vlad Dumitrescu
Posted 6 years ago

Hello. For the "modify message labels", what should be filled into "labels to add" and "labels to remove" fields? What specific format?

Let's say I want to add a label but remove none, since there are none.

Thanks a lot!

Magali Philippe
Posted 6 years ago ago


Both fields should be lists of strings, with the elements in the list being the label id.

If you have nothing to remove then it should be an empty list

Vlad Dumitrescu
Posted 6 years ago

Great work on the activities!

I have one issue with getting labels: I receive this error when filling in the "result" field of the "get labels" activity (with ctrl + k, of course)

"Compiler error(s) encountered processing expression "gmailLabels". Reference required to assemby 'Google.Apis, Version=1.38.00, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=4b01fa634db77ab' containing the implemented interface 'Google.Apis.Requests.IDirectResponseSchema.' Add one to your project."

Magali Philippe
Posted 6 years ago ago


This means you need to add the namespace Google.Apis.

In imported namespace please add Google.Apis.

Vlad Dumitrescu
Posted 6 years ago

Great work on the activities!

I have one issue with getting labels: I receive this error when filling in the "result" field of the "get labels" activity (with ctrl + k, of course)

"Compiler error(s) encountered processing expression "gmailLabels". Reference required to assemby 'Google.Apis, Version=1.38.00, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=4b01fa634db77ab' containing the implemented interface 'Google.Apis.Requests.IDirectResponseSchema.' Add one to your project."

Magali Philippe
Posted 6 years ago ago

Please add Google.Apis to imported namespaces

Adam Ghorbel
Posted 6 years ago


How can i encode the mail message ? it doesn't work when using the different type of encoding such as UTF-8.

Thank you for advance

Magali Philippe
Posted 6 years ago ago


Additional encoding options are not possible in this version.

What is your use case?


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