MarketplaceStudioSnippetMerge Content of Multiple Excel Files

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Merge Content of Multiple Excel Files

Merge Content of Multiple Excel Files

by Boundaryless Group






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Ease out merging of data from multiple Excel files which reside in different folders within a specified parent folder



This is a simple workflow snippet that can be used to merge the data of multiple Excel files which reside in different folders within a specified parent folder. You can simply add this workflow to your solution and pass the parent folder path so that it will simply do the search and provide the merged data as an output.

How it works

  1. Once you provide the parent folder path, the workflow will first find all the sub-directories within the specified parent folder.
  2. Each sub-directory folder will be looped to search for .xlsx files within the folders.
  3. All the found Excel files will be added to a List which will be used later to extract data.
  4. This list will be looped to access each Excel file. Within the loop, the workflow uses an Excel application scope to find all the available workbook sheets within the Excel file.

If there are multiple sheets, the data in all the sheets will be extracted onto a data table variable. However, NOTE: to extract data only in a specific sheet, please remove the loop that is used to loop through the workbook sheets. Additionally, make sure to provide the sheet name in the Read Range activity since it will not be capturing the sheet name if the loop is removed.

The extracted data will be stored in a temporary data table variable and will be merged into another data table outside the loop. This second data table variable will actually hold all the data that are extracted from each file and finally, it will be assigned to an output parameter to return the data.


Input argument - In_FolderPath - provide the parent folder path

Out argument - Out_MergedData - returns the merged data of all processed Excel files



This is a plug-and-play workflow snippet that can be used to easily extract and merge data of multiple Excel files that reside in different folders. The users do not need to write the entire workflow from scratch and this can be simply invoked from their already existing workflow solution through a Invoke workflow activity and get the results immediately.

Additional Information

Additional Information


These are the basic dependencies that's available by default UiPath.Excel.Activities: [2.6.0] UiPath.Mail.Activities: [1.5.0] UiPath.System.Activities: [19.5.0] UiPath.UIAutomation.Activities: [19.5.0]

Code Language

Visual Basic


Boundaryless Group

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November 12, 2020

Works with

Studio: 19.5 - 22.10


Gold Certified


Microsoft Excel



Mon-Fri 8 AM to 9 PM IST; Response time: 1 business day; Resolution time: 10 days

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