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Hi There,
I am using Microsoft Azure Form Recognizer V2 in my project but getting below error
Get Models: The server has responded with an error. Error code: Gone with message: Form Recognizer v2.0-preview has been deprecated. Please upgrade to the latest Form Recognizer GA service -
When I search for a newer version I don't see anything newer (V2.1 or 3) than V2. Can anyone help?
I train the data in and try to integrate the azure in Uipath. and I find this Microsoft azure form recognizer V2. but there are some issues :
According to your workflow screenshot. I use V1 but Uipath says to use the updated version So I use V2.
If I update it to V2 then the activities shown in your documentation screenshot are not present in V2.
Any plan to provide access to Azure Form Recognizer v2.1 or v3.0 preview?
Zoyeb Mansuri
Will there be support for version 2.1? Otherwise, is it possible to get the source so that I may change it myself?
There is no planned support for 2.1. There is some discussion about being able to share the code, but I do not have more details at this time I'm afraid.
Does this support v2.1 Preview 1?
but I got this error
Analyze Form: The server has responded with an error. Error code: 1027 with message: The Form Recognizer API version used to create the model and the current API version used for analyze are incompatible.
Any ideas?
Hi - unfortunately it does not.
Pretrained receipts workflow is running well, however when I try to train my model is not working. My workflow has three activities:
1. Form Recognizer scope
2. Train model
3. Analyze form
When finish step 3, gives error "Analyze Form: Status: Failed. The server has reported that the analysis process has failed."
Following the first step of Quickstart: Train a Form Recognizer model and extract form data by using the REST API with cURL, I also receive error 1002 when I try to train a Form Recognizer model of 6 invoices, previously uploaded to the Azure Blob container.
Curl command line executed:
curl -i -X POST "https:///formrecognizer/v2.0-preview/custom/models" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key: " --data-ascii "{ \"source\": \"""\"}"
And this is the output:
[1] 36524
[2] 36525
[3] 36526
[4] 36527
[5] 36528
[2] Done st=2020-05-01T17:25:12Z
[3] Done se=2020-05-02T17:25:12Z
[4]- Done sv=2019-10-10
[5]+ Done sr=c
Alexx-MacBook-Pro:~ alexlarsten$ HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
x-envoy-upstream-service-time: 2
apim-request-id: aa7c2ec4-ad84-4c45-86d4-bb59f573286c
Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains; preload
x-content-type-options: nosniff
Date: Sat, 02 May 2020 10:13:47 GMT
{"error":{"code":"1002","message":"Train request is either invalid or missing required parameters. Please reference the API reference and retry your request."}}
Error 1002 is not defined in the API documentation. I have uploaded to the Blob container different receipts and invoices obtained from the Internet as JPG and other image formats, but always the same error.
If you consider that it is better to put this on the support forum, please let me know, and I will move it.
Thanks a lot!
First of all you are using cURL to train your model, which means you are not using the Train Model activity within the package, please use the activity - it has all the required parameters of the request already configured.
As for your cURL request, I checked it against the documentation and it seems correct, I would check that the SAS is correct.
From Microsoft's documentation on the SAS: "To retrieve the SAS URL, open the Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer, right-click your container, and select Get shared access signature. Make sure the Read and List permissions are checked, and click Create. Then copy the value in the URL section. It should have the form:
Can you please share a sample workflow to see how it is configured?
Please use this quickstart guide as a referrence to get started:
The basic configuration is an endpoint and subscription key for the Scope (which are different and secret for each Microsoft customer). All other activities will use the Scope as a container activity.
December 13, 2022Works with
Studio: 18.4 - 22.10
Silver Certified
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