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by UiPath
Please advise if there are plans to update this activity to Windows framework?
Is the Get Chats limited to any number of results? when I use the get chats activity, I can only get 19 or 20 chat items as output. But actually there are many more people in my chat.
Thank you for support.
Hi Team,
For getting a complete list of Teams chat's you can try to use GET Teams Query Options Field?
Hello Paul,
Is it possible to send a message to someone who is not on your chat list, or add a member into spesific Team?
I am more interested automating the "Calls" part of teams by getting information from incoming calls (like telephone number etc) and was wondering whether there is any ability to do this?
According to your Overview this covers:
Teams, Channels, Chats, Messages, Calendar/Events, Users and Authentication but no mention of calls.
Sending chat message with image is now part of their documentation :
{ "createdDateTime":"2019-02-04T19:58:15.511Z",
"displayName":"John Doe",
"userIdentityType":"aadUser" } },
"content":"\n\n\n\n\n\n\n" },
{ "@microsoft.graph.temporaryId":"1",
"contentType":"image/png" }
] }
I have not yet tested it on api but it seems to be feasible now, any ETA to add hosted content field on the Send Message activity ?
How to get the Chat.ID? Is it not possible to use this via personal email id?
I do have a Azure account and has completed the App Registration part, I am able to see only chat tab in my microosft teams as it if from a personal ID. Please advise on what can be done to use this using the Teams via personal email
I'm having an issue with this package. If I try to install the last version (0.5.0), some of the UiPath basic activities like Invoke workflow or Log message stop working. Error message: "Object reference not set to an instance of an object." When I downgrade to 0.4.0, these activities work, but there are other problems (can't send message with error: Microsoft Teams Scope: Could not load type 'Microsoft.Identity.Client.TokenCacheExtensions' from assembly 'Microsoft.Identity.Client, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=xyz'.
Does anyone have the same issues?
I need to automate a process where i need to access excel file in teams folder. Is there any possibility ?
You can use the SharePoint activity pack, as under the covers all the teams files are held in SharePoint.
Any update on the Mentions update. This feature would be very beneficial to my team
Hi, at this time we do not have an ETA on this, though it is in our backlog.
I am a little bit disappointed regarding the support for this activity. My expectations were a little bit high regarding the support but from what I can see, there is a ping-pong chat game between here and the UiPath forum with no conclusion regarding the MicrosoftTeamScope issue.
Our apologies for this. Connect (this platform) unfortunately does not allow threaded discussions where we can include our development teams, allow the uploading of files/solutions, or integrate with our bug tracking software, hence the bounce to the forums. You could also choose to create a thread via per the support policy for this activity.
My suggestion for the forum was that it also offers more peer to peer support, my apologies that I did not highlight both paths.
Hello . Thank you for the reply.
Bellow is the topic that I have started but without any support from UiPath
I just replied.
January 20, 2025Works with
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