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Orchestrator Manager
by UiPath
Release Date
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June 19, 2024
2.6.2 : Bug Fix
June 12, 2024
New Features:
Lift and Shift: With this groundbreaking feature, we're simplifying the migration process like never before. No more manual copy-pasting! The new Lift and Shift functionality allows for seamless migration, requiring only the input of credentials. It's a game-changer that will save us valuable time and effort.
Access to Personal Workspace Folders: Another highlight of this release is accessing Personal Workspace folders in addition to general folders which will help in migration. The number of personal folders will be huge in number corresponding to number of attended users.
Personal workspaces come with their own dedicated package feed by default, meaning packages are kept separate and only available in the specific workspace they have been published to.
Public Cloud Integration: We're also expanding our horizons with seamless integration with public clouds. This means we'll have even greater flexibility and scalability in our operations on Cloud, Automation Suite, Standalone and Public Clouds.
Folder Feed packages: With Folder Feed Packages support, you can now effortlessly extract packages present in Folder Feed along with Tenant packages.
June 11, 2024
New Features:
1. Lift and Shift: With this groundbreaking feature, we're simplifying the migration process like never before. No more manual copy-pasting! The new Lift and Shift functionality allows for seamless migration, requiring only the input of credentials. It's a game-changer that will save us valuable time and effort.
2. Access to Personal Workspace Folders: Another highlight of this release is accessing Personal Workspace folders in addition to general folders which will help in migration. The number of personal folders will be huge in number corresponding to number of attended users.
Personal workspaces come with their own dedicated package feed by default, meaning packages are kept separate and only available in the specific workspace they have been published to.
3. Public Cloud Integration: We're also expanding our horizons with seamless integration with public clouds. This means we'll have even greater flexibility and scalability in our operations on Cloud, Automation Suite, Standalone and Public Clouds.
4. Folder Feed packages: With Folder Feed Packages support, you can now effortlessly extract packages present in Folder Feed along with Tenant packages.
November 3, 2023
Bug Fix:
Fixed argument error: An unexpected error occurred during the library compilation process: Workflow 'C:\Users\username\Desktop\OrchestratorManager-2.4.0\OrchestratorManager\Entities\PackagesLibraries\GetPackageReferencedEntities\GetPackageEntities.xaml' was Calling workflow 'GetActivityHierarchy' with non-existent argument 'out_InternalPath'.
Fixed assembly compilation error and now able to publish successfully.
The downloadable file contains a .nupkg file to use as unattended.
October 19, 2023
1. User Interface Improvements: A fresh user interface for Automation Suite authentication has been integrated, offering the choice to use either username and password or APP ID and APP password for authentication.
2. API Advancements: The API capabilities have been expanded, enhancing the capacity for seamless integration with the Automation Suite.
3.Stability Enhancements and Bug Resolutions: Various bug fixes and enhancements have been implemented to ensure the reliability and stability of the system.
4**. Performance Enhancements**: Speed and efficiency improvements have been made to automation processes, resulting in reduced execution times.
5. Compatibility with Automation Suite 2022.10 and 2023.4: The new release now supports Automation Suite versions 2022.10 and 2023.4.
May 26, 2023
Bug Fix:
Fixed argument error: An unexpected error occurred during the library compilation process: Workflow 'C:\Users\username\Desktop\OrchestratorManager-2.4.0\OrchestratorManager\Entities\PackagesLibraries\GetPackageReferencedEntities\GetPackageEntities.xaml' was Calling workflow 'GetActivityHierarchy' with non-existent argument 'out_InternalPath'.
Fixed assembly compilation error and now able to publish successfully.
The downloadable file contains a .nupkg file to use as unattended.
March 15, 2023
Orchestrator Manager 2.4.0 supports Windows framework which accommodates .NET 6 with Windows support.
Auto-populate the saved credentials to avoid entering the credentials everytime.
August 11, 2022
Bug fixes:
Removed test package showing up when executing Get Packages
Escaped illegal characters in HTTP request filters
Fixed form for 21.10 authentication
Added Orchestrator on-prem 22.04 login
Added functionality for creating/editing/assigning Robot Accounts (also known as Directory Robots) to folders, assigning and unassigning roles for them
March 14, 2022
Bug fixes:
Add directory users in 2021.10
Assign local users to folders in 2021.10
Handled duplicated library version Orchestrator bug
Handled header encoding for multi-byte characters in tenant name
Assign directory users to folders without having to first assign them at tenant level
October 26, 2021
Get Jobs
Add Orchestrator 2021.10 option
October 15, 2021
Bug Fix:
Fix the OAuth scope issue
Save credential per URL/tenant
October 12, 2021
Bug Fix:
Fix the OAuth scope issue
October 6, 2021
Bug Fix:
Create User for 2019.10
Get installed robot information (version and connectivity) on Machines
September 21, 2021
New Feature:
OAuth support
Link Assets to multiple Folders
Link Queues to multiple Folders
Set specific Package version to Process
August 23, 2021
Fixed issues:
Classic-to-Modern Folder Migration does not work properly
When creating Users, Attended Robots are enabled by default
New Feature:
Retrieve License Type for Get Users operation
July 5, 2021
Bug Fixes
Assign/Unassign Machine fails (success message appears but actually nothing happens) in Japanese mode
June 30, 2021
Bug Fixes
Assign/Unassign Machine fails (success message appears but actually nothing happens) in Japanese mode
June 24, 2021
New Features
Support Get Robot settings on Classic Folders
Bug Fixes
Fail to Get/Create Trigger in some Orchestrator versions
Some operations failed if OData filters contain special characters (single quotes and backslashes). Specifically, Folder name for Create Asset.
Fail to Assign/Unassign Machine (in the Japanese mode)
June 16, 2021
New Features
Support input arguments parameter for Get/Create Process operation
Accept directory parameter for Create User operation
Accept Allow Web Login parameter for Create/Edit User operation
Support description parameter for Get/Create/Edit Asset/Machine/Process operation
Accept User parameter for Create Trigger operation
Get Robot IDs for Get Trigger operation when specific Robots are specified as the execution target