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SmartRPA Catalyst

SmartRPA Catalyst

by SmartRPA




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SmartRPA Catalyst expands the robustness, agility, and ease to operate maintain and develop within UiPath.




SmartRPA Catalyst is purpose built to automate the automation, making it even simpler and easier to operate, develop and maintain your UiPath installation. Experience and best practices from over 150 implementations are imbedded in this highly specialized solution, providing unique features to ensure operation excellence.

The SmartRPA Catalyst provide essential features to scale your RPA:

Auto Orchestration

Catalyst auto-executes processes in accordance with their SLA and report on any limitations that might prevent this from happening.

  • Executions are based on resources and dependencies availability.
  • SLA driven executions – priorities to execute the most important task next.

Realtime Monitoring

Catalyst provides secure, customized, and automatic information to all relevant groups, departments, and individuals.

  • Catalyst provides IT with data and early indicators about abnormal behaviour in operations.
  • Catalyst provides RPA operations information about quality of service and notifications relevant to foresee, prevent and fix abnormal system and process behaviour.
  • Catalyst provides RPA operations information about quality of service and notifications relevant to foresee, prevent and fix abnormal system and process behavior.

Intelligent Management

Catalyst is a purpose built to make the journey of RPA cost-efficient. SmartRPA Catalyst can coexist with the current infrastructure – or take over the management of credentials, systems, and desktops.

Lean RPA

SmartRPA Catalyst provides an open framework where larger complex processes can be split into simpler and more robust parts.

  • SmartRPA Catalyst can select and automate each element of the process and the automation mechanics best suited for the individual tasks – or simply use the tool that is best for the job (best of breed).
  • SmartRPA Catalyst breaks process into micro tasks, making the entire automation more resilient, robust, and easy to develop and maintain.


UiPath on premises, UiPath Cloud and Cloud as a Service.




  • Predictability – foresee errors before they occur
  • Auto management based on resources and dependencies
  • Detection of abnormal behavior
  • Faster RPA maintenance and less error fixing
  • Ensure SLA achievement and maximizing RPA environment uptime
  • Leaner and faster RPA development
  • Secure and compliant RPA at lowest possible cost

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March 28, 2022

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Studio: 20.4 - 22.10


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