MarketplaceStudioTemplateOpteamix LLC - Timesheet Automation

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Opteamix LLC - Timesheet Automation

Opteamix LLC - Timesheet Automation

by Opteamix LLC






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Reusable template for extracting employee ID, name, approver name, date, and total hours from weekly timesheet (PDF files) and consolidating monthly report.



  • Extract employee ID and name from PDF files and store it in a variable.
  • Use the start process to open PDF files and extract table format data using Extract structure data activity.
  • Remove unwanted empty rows and keep only required data (in this example having project code and a total number of hours for the entire week).
  • Update the date into the respective weekly data table from the weekly folder structure.
  • Merge all the data tables and get unique employee ID and again join all the weekly data table (1,2,3,4,5) with unique ID table using join data table activity. 
  • Now, all the data will be updated into the master data table and calculate all the weekly hours (if there is no weekly hours place ‘-’ in the blank cell).
  • Merge the duplicate item into one cell and format the report structure using simple VBA code (if required – optional).



This template allows developers to quickly modify and understand new logic to consolidate timesheets from weekly PDF files.

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UiPath Studio, Ms Excel, Acrobat Reader

Code Language

Visual Basic

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