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by Internal Labs
This accelerator will automate the analysis of Bank Statements by extracting and analyzing the information based of rules.
As part of the Lending journey, one of the key steps is Income Analysis, which can be done through examination of bank statement submitted by the customers. This requires an analysis of Income and expenditure patterns to determine the repayment capacity of the customer, basis which loan eligibility can be determined.
The statements received from customers can be either in a digital PDF format or it can be a scanned image of a statement. Also, the statements can be from different banks. While the information provided in each statement is standard, the template layout and verbiage differ between statements from different banks. To deal with this challenge, separate workflow for each bank statement has to be set up as part of the solution.
This accelerator helps in extracting and analysis of the data from the Bank Statement submitted by Lending prospects. The bot prepares an output summary report in a predefined format with all required details. This can be shared with the analysts for further decision making.
For more details please contact Nitin Purwar and Shivam Agarwal.
This solution will benefit the Banking, Financial Services and other institutions which perform income analysis by analysing the bank statements.
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In order to use this accelerator, OCR technology is required.