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UiPath DevOps Scripts

UiPath DevOps Scripts

by Abdullah Al-Awlaqi




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Ricardo Oksa
Posted a year ago

Hi Abdullah,

"First, make sure Hubspot_Windows library is available in orchestrator. Then when calling the UiPathPack scripts make sure you fill orchestrator connection related paramters.

Visit this doc for more details UiPath-DevOps-Scripts/docs/ at main · UiPath-Services/UiPath-DevOps-Scripts · GitHub"

Do you mean the "libraryOrchestrator..." parameters? Also why the pack script works fine wit Legacy projects but it needs additional parameters when packing a Windows project?

When running the script locally it works fine also. The only problem is when running the script on GitHub actions.

Abdullah Al-Awlaqi
Posted a year ago ago

The cli needs to resolve all dependencies of your project which include 'Hubspt_Windows' library you mentioned. if it does not find it in the machine (Github runner) where the code runs, it will try to retrieve it from orchestrator library if you provide orchestrator connection paramters (libraryOrchestrator...)

Ricardo Oksa
Posted a year ago

Hi Abdullah,

I'm getting a error while packing project created on Windows framework. 

I think that the problem is with libraries. The pack script works fine with Legacy framework projects but for some 

reason it fails to pack the project when it's created on Windows framework.

Here is the erro log:

Unexpected error has occurred during the library compilation process:

Unable to create activity builder for VO.xaml. Reason was 'Cannot create unknown type '{clr-namespace:Hubspot_Windows;assembly=Hubspot_Windows}SendHubspotHttpRequest'.'.uipcli Error: 0 : Unexpected error has occurred during the library compilation process:

Unable to create activity builder for VO.xaml. Reason was 'Cannot create unknown type '{clr-namespace:Hubspot_Windows;assembly=Hubspot_Windows}SendHubspotHttpRequest'.'.

Compilation failed or was cancelled.

Compilation failed or was cancelled.

Failed to run the command. UiPath.CommandLine.Exceptions.CommandException: Packaging failed due to one or more errors. Message : Compilation failed or was cancelled. Error :    at UiPath.Studio.ProjectPackager.Publish.Services.PublishService.PerformPrePackOperationsAsync(IWorkflowProjectModel projectModel, IPublishSettings settings)

   at UiPath.Studio.ProjectPackager.Packager.Services.ProjectPackagerService.PrePackAsync(IPackagerHelperService packagerHelper, IWorkflowProject workflowProject, IPublishSettings publishSettings, IReadOnlyCollection`1 dependencies)

   at UiPath.Studio.ProjectPackager.Packager.Services.ProjectPackagerService.PackProjectExternal(String projectPath, UpdateProjectVersionEnum updateProjectVersion, PublishSettings publishSettings, IProgress`1 progress, Action`1 logEvent, List`1 packageSources, String destinationFolder, CancellationToken cancellationToken) 


Message:  Error :   

   at UiPath.CommandLine.Services.Impl.PackService.PackProject(String projectPath, ProjectVersion currentVersion, String destinationFolder, PublishSettings settings)

8/10/2023 4:40:09 PM Unable to Pack project. Exit code 1

Error: Process completed with exit code 1.


We have a library package Hubspot and it's named Hubspot_Windows. This is our own library made specifically for projects that use Hubspot and are created using Windows framework. 

Any ideas what could cause this error?

Abdullah Al-Awlaqi
Posted a year ago ago

Hi Ricardo,

First, make sure Hubspot_Windows library is available in orchestrator. Then when calling the UiPathPack scripts make sure you fill orchestrator connection related paramters. 

Visit this doc for more details UiPath-DevOps-Scripts/docs/ at main · UiPath-Services/UiPath-DevOps-Scripts · GitHub

shadab khan
Posted 2 years ago

Hi Abdullah, 

I have updated IIS setting in below query but i am getting another error.

Deploying package testflow.1.0.122665740 to tenant default on *********/...

42Folder FeedId not supported with the current API version (10.0).

43Deploying project(s) D:\GitLab-Runner\builds\d57bR3PM\0\shmohd\testflow\\output_packages\\testflow.1.0.122665740.nupkg to **********/ and tenant default to Package feed.

44System.InvalidOperationException: Microsoft.Rest.HttpOperationException: Operation returned an invalid status code 'BadRequest'

45   at UiPath.Web.Client20_4.Processes.d__9.MoveNext()

46--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---

47   at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task)

48   at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)

49   at UiPath.Orchestrator.Client.Util.ExceptionsHandler.d__1`1.MoveNext()

50{"message":"Invalid package details!","errorCode":1000,"resourceIds":null}

51   at UiPath.Orchestrator.Client.Util.ExceptionsHandler.d__1`1.MoveNext()

52--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---

shadab khan
Posted 2 years ago

Hi Abdullah,

My package is getting created , but during deployment I am getting error : Unable to deploy project. Exit code 1. 

I am using on-prem orchestrator default classic folder. Please let me know how can i resolve below error.

uipcli location :   D:\GitLab-Runner\builds\d57bR3PM\0\shmohd\testflow\uipathcli\1.0.7985.19721\lib\net461\uipcli.exe

Executing D:\GitLab-Runner\builds\d57bR3PM\0\shmohd\testflow\uipathcli\1.0.7985.19721\lib\net461\uipcli.exe package deploy D:\GitLab-Runner\builds\d57bR3PM\0\shmohd\testflow\\output_packages\\ default --username admin --password *************** --language en-US


Deploying package testflow.1.0.121597266 to tenant default on

Folder FeedId not supported with the current API version (10.0).

Deploying project(s) D:\GitLab-Runner\builds\d57bR3PM\0\shmohd\testflow\\output_packages\\testflow.1.0.121597266.nupkg to and tenant default to Package feed.

System.InvalidOperationException: Microsoft.Rest.HttpOperationException: Operation returned an invalid status code 'RequestEntityTooLarge'

at UiPath.Web.Client20_4.Processes.d__9.MoveNext()

End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---

I have used below urls from example:

'C:\scripts\UiPathDeploy.ps1' "C:\UiPath\Project 1" "" default -orchestrator_user admin -orchestrator_pass 123456

Abdullah Al-Awlaqi
Posted 2 years ago ago

Hi Shadab,

my guess is that RequestEntityTooLarge error is thrown because you are trying to upload large file to orchestrator. Check and package file size. 

Also Look up error code 413 Request Entity Too Large, i think you can update on-prem orchestrator IIS settings to accept large file.

Nidhi Rathore
Posted 2 years ago


I've narrowed down to this error :

System.Net.Http.HttpRequestException: An error occurred while sending the request. ---&gt; System.Net.WebException: The remote name could not be resolved:

It seems , **as we are using on-prem orchestrator the GitHub Actions is not able to access the local server.**

**What is the resolution for the same?** 

The credentials are passed correctly, if I try to run the deploy script file from powershell it is able to upload to the orchestrato, but not through GitHub Actions.

Abdullah Al-Awlaqi
Posted 2 years ago ago

Hi Nadhi, 

For GitHub Actions to communicate with on-prem orchestrator you need to check GitHub documentation

Nidhi Rathore
Posted 2 years ago

Hi Abdullah,

I'm getting the below error while publishing the package in UiPath Orchestrtaor using CICD GitHub Actions.

Failed to run the command. Could not connect to Orchestrator: , Tenant: ***, Username: ***, Password: ***, OrganizationUnit: ***,UseWindowsCredentials: False.

Please make sure that the provided URL () is correct, available from your build agent, and not blocked by a firewall.

If the Orchestrator is using a self-signed SSL certificate, make sure that the build agent trusts it. Ensure that all the steps at were correctly followed when creating the certificate.

I'm using user with admin access for doing the same & there firewall ports is also open.

Please help with the solution.

Abdullah Al-Awlaqi
Posted 2 years ago ago

Hi Nidhi,

it could be the url is not reachable by the windows agent. Double check your script. if you are using username & password authentication option then make sure you provide the script parameters "-orchestrator_user 'USERNAME' -orchestrator_pass 'PASSWORD'".

Inspect the pipleline logs and look at the part which start with "Executing ...." to verfiy the parameters provided (sensative data will be masked)

If none help, try using different authentication option. For this check UiPathDeploy script documentation

Ricardo Oksa
Posted 2 years ago

I'm getting an error when deploying packages using the UiPathDeploy.ps1 script. 

The script doesn't identify that the process already exists. I can see on the logs that the script return a message saying "No process exists for this package. Will create one" and after that execution exit with error code.

Process will be deployed in modern folder.

15No process exists for this package. Will create one.

16System.InvalidOperationException: Microsoft.Rest.HttpOperationException: Operation returned an invalid status code 'Conflict'

17   at UiPath.Web.Client21_4.Releases.d__6.MoveNext()

18--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---

If I delete the process on Orchestrator and deploy it with the script then it works but the entry point is se to Default and not Main.xaml like it should.

Any ideas what could cause this error?

Abdullah Al-Awlaqi
Posted 2 years ago ago

Hi Ricardo, 

make sure you also provide the parameter "-entryPoints Main.xaml" without quotes when calling the script.

Rohan Jain
Posted 2 years ago

We are working on CICD setup using GitHub actions. We got stuck in package upload. i am getting error while running pack script from marketplace. Below is the error :

Parse error : Missing expression after ','

Kindly help in this

Abdullah Al-Awlaqi
Posted 2 years ago ago

Hi Rohan,

can you share your script line where it was failling?

anyways, new updated version of the scripts released today. Check it and let me know


Abdullah Al-Awlaqi

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