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by Internal Labs
Does anyone run on Studio 2021.x?
When I ran on Studio 2021.4.4, I encountered on some library error.
Did a couple of test runs with 21.8 (community preview) and did not face any obvious issues.
In order to pinpoint the problem, could you create a thread on the forum's Marketplace category?
I had a prompt on the changes. What are the newly applied changes/enhancements?
An variable-realted attribute was introduced in 20.4 so the inspector received this minor update.
We forgot to bump the version to 1.1.1 though...
Can i use this to non reframework projects?
Hello! Yes, this can be used with any project.
Why should I use "Workflow Inspector" instead of Workflow Analyzer? Workflow Analyzer is build-in feature, easy to use and configure. What is the usage scenario of this project?
Although they have some overlap in what they check, they are not exactly the same. I'd suggest that you give a try to both and choose the one that better suits your needs.
What are the new features
You can find the list of new features here:
How can I help you with Workfliw Inspector? I really interested in solution like that and I want to contribute to community.
Thanks for the interest in the Workflow Inspector!
Yes, help is certainly welcomed.
It's currently hosted at and for the next steps I was planning to focus on improving the performance a bit and add some new checks that I've been requested (I'll add some of these ideas as Improvement Issues in the repository so anyone can help implement them).
Other than this, just giving feedback and new ideas is already very helpful!
Recently Workflow Analyzer has found 2 Errors and 707 Warnings inside Workflow Inspector project. Challenge accepted? :)
Yes, we need to eat our own dogfood ????
Hi! Would there be any additions you would make to this since this feature is in Studio?
Yes, there are plans to add more checks to this tool as well as some performance improvements.
Hi, I wanted the Variable naming convention in camel case. Where i have to make changes ?
To be more specific, we are following this naming convention - "datatypeVariableName" example - dtInputData, strCustomerName, intRowCounter ...etc
Can we include this in naming convention check ?
Thanks in advance.
The naming convention used by the check can be changed in "Argument" column of the Checklist.xlsx file, located in the Config/EN folder.
To check for camelCase, change from "(^(dt_)*([A-Z][a-z0-9]*)+$)" to something like "^[a-z]+([A-Z][a-z0-9]+)+$" (there are a few ways to define a regex for camelCase).
Regarding the check for datatype, unfortunately that is not done by the check at this moment.
But thank you for the suggestion; we'll consider implementing that in future versions of the tool!
I just came up with one more the idea of checking whether the arguments passed from a higher workflow match the arguments passed down to inner one (avoiding the error 'The values provided for the root activity's arguments did not satisfy the root activity's requirements')
Hello! Thanks for the suggestion! We'll certainly keep that check in mind for a future release.
Did you consider adding check of descriptive names of activities - using regex pattern? Similar to checking variables/arguments naming convention. Quite often default names of activities (click, type into, get value) that cooperate with SAP GUI or other apps are very non-descriptive - containing special strings like [ { ' etc.
Hello! Thanks for the suggestion! Yes, this is something we plan to add as a custom check in a future release.
With the creation of Workflow Analyzer, do you think you will pursue development on this project?
I really like Workflow analyzer for the direct feedback to developer but I think in the other end this tool can help in CI/CD implementation.
Maybe convergence of both solution to have the ability to customize, improve and the direct feedback + possibility to be called as part of a CICD.
Yes, the plan is to improve the Workflow Inspector a bit more with future updates. Naturally, the Workflow Analyzer will also evolve and get new features, but for now I believe there is still space for both solutions.
Thanks for the feedback regarding its use in CI/CD! I'll look into that and evaluate how we can combine it with a CI/CD pipeline.
November 18, 2020Works with
Studio: 21.10 - 22.10
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