About Us
Arria NLG is the global leader in the field of Natural Language Generation (NLG), a form of artificial intelligence specializing in extracting insights from complex data sources and communicating that information in easily understood natural language. The company owns, develops and licenses its technology through its Arria NLG Studio Platform. Based on advanced computational linguistics and algorithms, it ingests vast quantities of data, analysis it, draws conclusions, and instantly turns it into written (or spoken) words as if written by a human subject matter expert. The written reports, explanations and summaries it creates are custom tailored to the specific readers of the narratives. Combining Arria NLG’s platform with UiPath’s RPA automation bridges the communication gap between robots and humans, and streamlines the automation of knowledge processes. Now you can easily automate repetitive, time-consuming reports and analysis previously written by a human with the NLG activity for UiPath Studio.
Morristown, NJ, USA
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