MarketplaceStudioActivityBalaReva Easy PowerPoint Activities

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BalaReva Easy PowerPoint Activities

BalaReva Easy PowerPoint Activities

by Balamurugan Shanmugasundaram





VersionRelease DateDownload Link
May 8, 2023

4.0.2 - Removing the visible property from scope activity.

5.0.0 - Adding a new activity called "Text ShapeEdit".

6.0.0 - New activity "Delete Image".

6.1.0 - Code change in Delete Image.

7.0.0 - New Activities ChartCopyToClipboard, ChartDelete, ChartFormat, ChartImageExtract, ImageExtractor, PasteClipboard, SaveAs.

7.0.1 - Macro code improvement.

8.0.0 - New Activities "Find" and "Find and Replace".

9.0.0 - New activities "ReadText, ReadTable, SlideCount".

9.0.1- Error fix in Readtable

10.0.0 - New activities (Merge, NewSlide, DeleteSlide, FindReplace, InsertPicture, InsertTextBox, RefreshData, SlideCopy, SlidePaste, SlideCount, UpdateLinks, Delete Slide, Export Pdf, Print, Remove Document Information, Slide Copy, Slide Paste, DataTransformer, Add Table, Append TableClear Table, Delete Column, Delete Row, Delete Table, Edit Table, Export Table Excel, Extract Tables, Font Option, Get Row Item, Import Data FromExcel, Resize Table, Style Option, Table CopyTo Clipboard).

Read Text Renamed to Read Slide / PowerPoint.

SlideExtractor AND TextShapeEdit are removed from the package.

11.0.0 - Compatibility version for .Net Framework and .Net 6.

January 16, 2023

4.0.2 - Removing the visible property from scope activity.

5.0.0 - Adding a new activity called "Text ShapeEdit".

6.0.0 - New activity "Delete Image".

6.1.0 - Code change in Delete Image.

7.0.0 - New Activities ChartCopyToClipboard,ChartDelete,ChartFormat,ChartImageExtract,ImageExtractor,PasteClipboard,SaveAs.

7.0.1 - Macro code improvement.

8.0.0 - New Activities "Find" and "Find and Replace".

9.0.0 - New activities "ReadText,ReadTable,SlideCount".

9.0.1- Error fix in Readtable

10.0.0 - New activities (Merge,NewSlide,DeleteSlide,FindReplace,InsertPicture,InsertTextBox,RefreshData,SlideCopy,SlidePaste,SlideCount,UpdateLinks,Delete Slide,Export Pdf,Print,Remove Document Information,Slide Copy,Slide Paste,DataTransformer,Add Table,Append TableClear Table,Delete Column,Delete Row,Delete Table,Edit Table,Export Table Excel,Extract Tables,Font Option,Get Row Item,Import Data FromExcel,Resize Table,Style Option,Table CopyTo Clipboard).

Read Text Renamed to Read Slide / PowerPoint.

SlideExtractor AND TextShapeEdit are removed from the pacakge.

February 22, 2022

4.0.2 - Removing the visible property from scope activity.

5.0.0 - Adding a new activity called "Text ShapeEdit".

6.0.0 - New activity "Delete Image".

6.1.0 - Code change in Delete Image.

7.0.0 - New Activities ChartCopyToClipboard,ChartDelete,ChartFormat,ChartImageExtract,ImageExtractor,PasteClipboard,SaveAs.

7.0.1 - Macro code improvement.

8.0.0 - New Activities "Find" and "Find and Replace".

9.0.0 - New activities "ReadText,ReadTable,SlideCount".

9.0.1- Error fix in Readtable

December 15, 2021

4.0.2 - Removing the visible property from scope activity.

5.0.0 - Adding a new activity called "Text ShapeEdit".

6.0.0 - New activity "Delete Image".

6.1.0 - Code change in Delete Image.

7.0.0 - New Activities ChartCopyToClipboard,ChartDelete,ChartFormat,ChartImageExtract,ImageExtractor,PasteClipboard,SaveAs.

7.0.1 - Macro code improvement.

8.0.0 - New Activities "Find" and "Find and Replace".

9.0.0 - New activities "ReadText,ReadTable,SlideCount".

July 26, 2021

4.0.2 - Removing the visible property from scope activity.

5.0.0 - Adding a new activity called "Text ShapeEdit".

6.0.0 - New activity "Delete Image".

6.1.0 - Code change in Delete Image.

7.0.0 - New Activities ChartCopyToClipboard,ChartDelete,ChartFormat,ChartImageExtract,ImageExtractor,PasteClipboard,SaveAs.

7.0.1 - Macro code improvement.

8.0.0 - New Activities "Find" and "Find and Replace".

September 16, 2020

4.0.2 - Removing the visible property form scope activity

5.0.0 - Adding a new activity called "Text ShapeEdit"

6.0.0 - New activity "Delete Image"

6.1.0 - Code change in Delete Image

7.0.0 - New Activities ChartCopyToClipboard,ChartDelete,ChartFormat,ChartImageExtract,ImageExtractor,PasteClipboard,SaveAs

7.0.1 - Macro code improvement

August 17, 2020

4.0.2 - Removing the visible property form scope activity

5.0.0 - Adding a new activity called "Text ShapeEdit"

6.0.0 - New activity "Delete Image"

6.1.0 - Code change in Delete Image

7.0.0 - New Activities ChartCopyToClipboard,ChartDelete,ChartFormat,ChartImageExtract,ImageExtractor,PasteClipboard,SaveAs

July 20, 2020

4.0.2 - Removing the visible property form scope activity

5.0.0 - Adding a new activity called "Text ShapeEdit"

6.0.0 - New activity "Delete Image"

6.1.0 - Code change in Delete Image

May 28, 2020


1.0.1-  Technical changes in the Execute Macro.

4.0.0 -  ChartShapeCount, ImageShapeCount, TextShapeCount, EditText,

4.0.1-  Change category name in "Image Extractor"

4.0.2 - Removing the visible property form scope activity

5.0.0 - Adding new activity called "Text ShapeEdit"

November 6, 2019


1.0.1- Technical changes in the Execute Macro.

4.0.0- ChartShapeCount,ImageShapeCount,TextShapeCount,EditText,ImageExtractor.

4.0.1-Change category name in "Image Extractor".

4.0.2 - Removing the visible property form scope activity.

October 14, 2019


1.0.1- Technical changes in the Execute Macro.

4.0.0- ChartShapeCount,ImageShapeCount,TextShapeCount,EditText,ImageExtractor.

4.0.1-Change category name in "Image Extractor".

September 22, 2019

1.0.0 - New

1.0.1 - Technical changes in the Execute Macro


Balamurugan Shanmugasundaram

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May 8, 2023

Works with

Studio: 21.10 - 22.10+


Silver Certified


Microsoft PowerPoint


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