MarketplaceStudioActivityOpen Weather Map API Activities

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Open Weather Map API Activities

Open Weather Map API Activities

by Arun Kumar Asokan





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Get the current or a 5-day weather forecast details in XML or JSON format by providing the city name, county code or zip and county code.



Open Weather Map API will provide:

  • Access to current weather data for any location including over 200,000 cities.
  • The current weather is frequently updated based on global models and data from more than 40,000 weather stations.
  • Data available in JSON, XML.


a) Get_CurentWeather_by_CityName: Get current weather details in XML or JSON format by providing the city name or county code.

  • Input: city name (Chennai, Dallas, London, etc.), mode (XML/JSON), country code (in, us, UK, etc.) and OpenWeatherMap API Key from
  • Steps: the API gets the response code and the current weather condition.
  • Output: status code and current weather conditions for the inputted city.

b) Get_CurrentWeather_by_Zip: Get current weather details in XML or JSON format by providing the zip code, county code.

  • Input: zip (76131 ,605008) , mode (XML/JSON), country code (in, us, UK, etc.) and OpenWeatherMap API Key from .
  • Steps: the API gets the response code and the current weather condition.
  • Output: Status Code and current weather condition based on the inputted zip displayed in XML or JSON format.

c) Get_Weather_5day_Forcast_by_CityName: Get Weather forecast for the next 5 days with a 3-hour interval, in XML or JSON format by providing the city name or county code.

  • Input: city name (Chennai, Dallas, London, etc.), mode (XML/JSON), country code (in, us, UK, etc.) and OpenWeatherMap API Key from .
  • Steps: the API gets the response code and the weather forecast for the next 5 days with a 3-hour interval condition.
  • Output: Status Code & Weather forecast for the next 5 days with a 3-hour interval condition for the city name inputted.

d) Get_Weather_5day_Forcast_by_Zip: Get Weather forecast for the next 5 days with a 3-hour interval in XML or JSON format by providing the zip code or county code.

  • Input: zip (76131, 605008, etc), mode (XML/JSON), country code (in, us, UK, etc.) and OpenWeatherMap API Key from .
  • Steps: the API gets the response code and the weather forecast for the next 5 days with a 3-hour interval condition.
  • Output: Status Code and Weather forecast for the next 5 days with a 3-hour interval condition based on the zip inputted.

Set-up the package:

  1. Download the package from UiPath Marketplace.
  2. Copy the downloaded package in C:\Users\xxxx\AppData\Local\UiPath\app-xx.x.x\Packages.
  3. Open the UiPath project.
  4. Go to Manage Packages.
    a) Install the web activities package (UiPath.Web.Activites [for HTTP request] to Open weather map API requests)
    b) Search local for openweathermap and install the package.
  5. Check if the Openweathermap activity is available.
  6. Set-up Open weather map API key.
  7. Go to .
  8. Click Sign-up.
  9. Fill in the details to create an account.
  10. Click Sign in.
  11. Sign in the account.
  12. Note the API key.



Weather details can be used for various use cases, for instance:  

a) farming  

b) logistics 

c) event managing etc.

Additional Information

Additional Information


Install the web activities package (UiPath.Web.Activites [for HTTP request] to Open weather map API requests) ""

Code Language

Visual Basic


Windows Legacy (.Net Framework 4.6.1)


Arun Kumar Asokan

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August 23, 2023

Works with

Studio: 21.10 - 22.10


Silver Certified


UiPath Community Support


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