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by Internal Labs
Facing 'No compatible version with Windows projects' error. Any resolution on this?
Unfortunetally, I've got an error at installation:
"No compatible version with Windows projects".
Any chance to get over?
Very helpful activity! I needed to read a 100MB file with about 580K rows and this did the work in 5 mins and 10 secs in debug mode.
Was able to read 370K odd number of rows within 8 mins.
Really Fast!
Radu , yo no tube existo me sale el error .El trabajo se detuvo con un código de salida inesperado 0xE0434352 Windows Suspend
Awesome component, works as advertised! I read 900K+ rows from an 220MB XLSX file and saved it to CSV with no problems at all - the entire process took 20 minutes. When I tried this with the built-in Excel components it crashed after 5 minutes. Thanks Radu, awesome job.
This is a very usefull activity - I had a project in which I needed to extract a very large amount of rows from an excel. This activity does the job easily. Thank you Radu !
June 3, 2023Works with
Studio: 21.10 - 22.10
Silver Certified
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