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Transaction Summary Report Activity
by Internal Labs
Release Date
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May 22, 2024
Implemented the new Create Date filters in the export API making this a simpler, faster and cleaner implementation of the functionality. This version does not use the restricted APIs for queue data.
Moved many arguments to the property panel to decrease the activity size on the canvas.
April 2, 2024
Changed to use GetQueueItemsExport to prepare for the Orchestrator change coming in July 2024. The large fields: Specific Content and Output Data will no longer be populated when using the GetQueueItems activity. This new implementation uses the Export API to retrieve this data.
Removed activities: GetQueueItemsExport and GetQueueItemsExportAndParse. These are both provided in a separate package called: InternalLabs.GetQueueItemsExport.Activites
February 5, 2024
Get Queue Items Export Activity
This activity can be used independently of the Reporting activities. It is generally a replacement for the UiPath Get Queue Items activity. It uses the recommended Export APIs to get the data. This method is not affected by the new API limits or the removal of the Specific Content and Output Data from other APIs.
Get Queue Items Export And Parse Activity
This activity can be used independently of the Reporting activities. It is a more advanced replacement for the UiPath Get Queue Items activity. It uses the recommended Export APIs to get the data. Compared to the activity above, this one will parse the Specific Content and Output Date values into separate datatable columns for ease of use.
January 29, 2024
Improved exception handling messages for a few common configuration problems.
Added retry scope activities where the orchestrator is accessed.
Improved automated unit tests within the project.
October 17, 2023
Customer requested enhancement to have option for including transactions with "Retried" status.
May 24, 2023
Bug fix in Dispatcher\CreateReportingTransaction activity - storing time in 24 hour format
April 19, 2023
Efficiency and resilience changes from code review with UiPath architect
New activity to Create the Reporting Transaction
New customer requested features in the Create Summary Report activity for (a) a configurable Wait to allow time for transactions to be updated before the reporting begins (b) simple built-in properties to filter the returned rows based on a Specific Content value.
March 15, 2023
Fixed a bug in the new Transactions Remaining activity.
Added Try Catch to improve the error message when the robot doesn't have privileges for View Jobs.
March 1, 2023
Added time-out setting to account for scenarios where 2 or more reporting transactions could result in a deadlock.
Added an activity for the dispatcher that makes it easy to determine if the previous batch of transactions is done or not before adding more.
January 23, 2023
Fixed bug that causes failure if no Reference.
Added check for no output file path and improved message.
Please feel free to reach out to me if you need a windows legacy version.
December 15, 2022
Fixed bug caused by conversion to Windows project.
Please feel free to reach out to me if you need a windows legacy version
December 5, 2022
Fixed a bug that caused the Exception Type column to be populated incorrectly.