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This set of activities gives your Robot the ability to print documents, command the printer and obtain printer queue details.
Activities to work with In Memory Queue from System.Collections.
Retrieves content from an item in Abbyy Queue. The queue item is what Abbyy FlexiCapture server has exported as a result of document processing.
Amazon SQS UiPath Integration Activities are developed to access AWS SQS queue via UiPath
A UiPath Studio template upon which you can build, test and run attended and unattended business processes, irrespective of process data types and process linearity
特定のフォルダを監視し、フォルダが配置されたらOrchestrator API経由でファイル情報をOrchestrator キューに登録するPowershell Scriptです。
This activity is used for creating a transaction report for transactions in a queue. It is very useful when using multiple performers.
This activity is a replacement for the UiPath Get Queue Items activity. It uses the recommended Export APIs to get the data and returns a datatable.
Updates Transaction Item status from new to status specified in the input file generated from Orchestrator Manager.
This process makes it simple to make queue items for subsets of data in an Excel sheet.
A simple workblock engine made in UiPath Studio to process Orchestrator queue items
This activity can convert UiPath Orchestrator queue items stuck in "In Progress" status to either new queue items or to retired queue items.