by UiPath
Ready-to-Go Automation
Hi, I am getting an error -" To run this application, you must install .net". though I have already installed .net with version greater than 5.0
Hi, i couldnt find anywhere that states the minimum UiPath version required. I cannot run this in my UiPath Assistant version 2020.10. pls advice. thanks.
Cannot create unknown type '{}OutArgument({}BusinessRuleException)'.
at System.Xaml.XamlObjectWriter.WriteStartObject(XamlType xamlType)
at System.Xaml.XamlWriter.WriteNode(XamlReader reader)
at System.Xaml.XamlServices.Transform(XamlReader xamlReader, XamlWriter xamlWriter, Boolean closeWriter)
at System.Activities.XamlIntegration.FuncFactory`1.Evaluate()
at System.Activities.DynamicActivity.OnInternalCacheMetadata(Boolean createEmptyBindings)
at System.Activities.Activity.InternalCacheMetadata(Boolean createEmptyBindings, IList`1& validationErrors)
at System.Activities.ActivityUtilities.ProcessActivity(ChildActivity childActivity, ChildActivity& nextActivity, Stack`1& activitiesRemaining, ActivityCallStack parentChain, IList`1& validationErrors, ProcessActivityTreeOptions options, ProcessActivityCallback callback)
at System.Activities.ActivityUtilities.ProcessActivityTreeCore(ChildActivity currentActivity, ActivityCallStack parentChain, ProcessActivityTreeOptions options, ProcessActivityCallback callback, IList`1& validationErrors)
at System.Activities.ActivityUtilities.CacheRootMetadata(Activity activity, LocationReferenceEnvironment hostEnvironment, ProcessActivityTreeOptions options, ProcessActivityCallback callback, IList`1& validationErrors)
at System.Activities.Hosting.WorkflowInstance.ValidateWorkflow(WorkflowInstanceExtensionManager extensionManager)
at System.Activities.Hosting.WorkflowInstance.RegisterExtensionManager(WorkflowInstanceExtensionManager extensionManager)
at System.Activities.WorkflowApplication.EnsureInitialized()
at System.Activities.WorkflowApplication.Enqueue(InstanceOperation operation, Boolean push)
at System.Activities.WorkflowApplication.SimpleOperationAsyncResult.Run(TimeSpan timeout)
at System.Activities.WorkflowApplication.BeginRun(AsyncCallback callback, Object state)
at UiPath.Executor.RobotRunner.d__89.MoveNext()
I am getting an error when trying to run the automation.
An error occurred during start up. Please try and rerun the automation. If the error still occurs, please contact your Support team and provide this error message: Code: generalException Message: An error occurred sending the request.
Can anyone assist please?
Hi Joshua, are you using a personal or corporate Outlook account? Unfortunately the API we use to access Outlook doesn't support personal accounts. If you're connected using a corporate account, check to see if a window opened in the background asking you to grant Outlook access to UiPath.
I like the idea, but not really feasible for European colleagues when only US timezones can be selected.
Or did I overlook an option?
Hi,I cannot download the user guide. Perhaps the link is broken?
Please confirm that you are still having an issue downloading the user guide. The link is testing out ok. Please ensure that you are using the link to access the guide at the bottom-right of the web page, noted as:
Share Meeting Availability 2.0 User Guide.pdf
How to input many emails. I extracted from Outlook mail and come with ; (semicolon) it is not work. How to solve.
Hi Bhusit, could you let me know what error it's giving you?
January 10, 2023Works with
Assistant: 22.10+
Gold Certified
Link: on Demand option is available only to UiPath Enterprise customers. To access this type of support, you need to have an active UiPath license. For more details, please check this article: Note: Marketplace Support On Demand doesn’t include any response or resolution SLA. However, we will do our best to get back to you within two business days. If you like to open a ticket, please use the support link.